Monday, March 12, 2018

CINOGEL Gellan Gum:Hydrocolloid Formula-Sweet potato jelly

Sweet potato jelly 

· 200 g sweet potatoes, diced
· 200 g coconut milk
· 20 g agar (1.6 %)
· 100 g sugar
· 750 g water
· 1 pinch salt
· 2 screwpine leaves, knotted (pandan) or 2.5 g pandan extract

Steam sweet potatoes until soft. Combine the sweet potatoes and coconut milk in a blender.
Strain mixture through a fine sieve. Combine agar powder, sugar, water and pandan leaves
in a saucepan and bring to a boil until agar dissolves. Stir in puréed sweet potato and
coconut mixture and simmer over low heat. Add a pinch of salt and pour the jelly mixture
into a wet tray or mold. Leave aside at room temperature to set, then chill well before
cutting into desired shapes. 

Supported by: CINOGEL BIOTECH,gellan gum factory,available at: 
